Cannabis in Virginia
Adult-use cannabis was legalized via legislation in 2021.
A medical cannabis program was legalized by legislation in 2018.
Sen. Mark Warner - D
Does Not Support Federal Legalization
- Expunge Past Cannabis Convictions
- Reinvest In Communities Most Impacted By The War On Drugs
- Allow States To Legalize Adult-Use Cannabis
- Allow States To Legalize Medical Cannabis
- Allow VA Doctors To Recommend Medical Cannabis
- Allow Cannabis Businesses To Use Banks
- Co-Sponsored the SAFE Banking Act of 2023, which allows banks to work with cannabis businesses that are legal at the state level
- In an email to a constituent, Warner said: “States like Virginia have enacted laws to permit adult consumption of cannabis, and the industry has limited or no access to financial institutions for fundamental banking services. …That is why I am a proud cosponsor of the SAFE Banking Act.” (2021)
- Cosponsored the SAFE Banking Act of 2021, which allows banks to work with cannabis businesses that are legal at the state level. (2021)
- Cosponsored the SAFE Banking Act of 2019, which would allow banks to work with cannabis businesses that are legal at the state level.
- Cosponsored the Hemp Farming Act of 2018, which would end the federal prohibition of industrial hemp.
- Said Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ decision to rescind a policy that protected state medical cannabis programs, “would seem to be the absolute opposite direction of where the country’s headed and one more example of this administration being completely out of step with where both Americans are headed and, for that matter, Democratic and Republican state legislatures.” (2018)
- Cosponsored the Therapeutic Hemp Medical Access Act of 2015, which would have ended the federal prohibition of CBD. (2015)
- Cosponsored the Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2015, which would have ended the federal prohibition of industrial hemp. (2015)
Sen. Tim Kaine - D
Supports Federal Legalization
- Expunge Past Cannabis Convictions
- Reinvest In Communities Most Impacted By The War On Drugs
- Allow States To Legalize Adult-Use Cannabis
- Allow States To Legalize Medical Cannabis
- Allow VA Doctors To Recommend Medical Cannabis
- Allow Cannabis Businesses To Use Banks
- Co-sponsored the SAFER Banking Act of 2023, which would ensure that all businesses – including State-sanctioned cannabis businesses – have access to deposit accounts, insurance and other financial services.
- Co-sponsored the Veterans Medical Marijuana Safe Harbor Act of 2023, which would allow veterans to use, possess and transport medical cannabis, and also to be able to discuss medical cannabis with a VA Doctor as authorized by a State or Indian Tribe.
- Co-Sponsored the SAFE Banking Act of 2023, which allows banks to work with cannabis businesses that are legal at the state level
- Filed an amendment that would allow veterans to access medical cannabis through the VA system in states where it is legal and require the VA to research the potential therapeutic benefits of cannabis for certain conditions. (2021)
- In an email to a constituent, Kaine Said: “It is my hope that Congress will soon consider common sense reforms to marijuana laws. For too long, minority communities have been disproportionately affected under these laws.” (2021)
- Cosponsored the Veterans Medical Marijuana Safe Harbor Act, which would allow veterans to use, possess, or transport medical marijuana and discuss the use of medical marijuana with a physician of the Department of Veterans Affairs in accordance with state or tribal law. (2021)
- Cosponsored the SAFE Banking Act of 2021, which allows banks to work with cannabis businesses that are legal at the state level. (2021)
- Cosponsored the SAFE Banking Act of 2019, which would allow banks to work with cannabis businesses that are legal at the state level.
- Cosponsored the Marijuana Freedom and Opportunity Act, which would end the federal prohibition of marijuana (but still allow the federal government to prevent trafficking from states where it is legal to states where it is not), provide state and local governments with grants to assist with the expungement or sealing of marijuana possession convictions. (2019)
- Cosponsored the Hemp Farming Bill of 2018, which would end the federal prohibition of industrial hemp. (2018)
- Signed a letter a calling for Attorney General Jeff Sessions to respect state marijuana laws. (2018)
- Cosponsored the MEDS Act, which would lift federal restrictions on medical cannabis research. (2017)
Rep. Robert Wittman (VA-1) - R
Does Not Support Federal Legalization
- Expunge Past Cannabis Convictions
- Reinvest In Communities Most Impacted By The War On Drugs
- Allow States To Legalize Adult-Use Cannabis
- Allow States To Legalize Medical Cannabis
- Allow VA Doctors To Recommend Medical Cannabis
- Allow Cannabis Businesses To Use Banks
- Voted in favor of The Medical Marijuana Research Act, which would remove some barriers to medical cannabis research and allow researchers to use dispensary grade cannabis. (2022)
- Voted against the SAFE Banking Act of 2021, which allows banks to work with cannabis businesses that are legal at the state level. (2021)
- Voted against the MORE Act, which would end the prohibition of cannabis at the federal level, expunge low-level cannabis convictions, and levy a tax on cannabis sales to fund grants for communities that have been disproportionately harmed by cannabis prohibition. (2020)
- Voted in favor of the SAFE Banking Act of 2019, which would allow banks to work with cannabis businesses that are legal at the state level. (2019)
- Voted against the SAFE Banking Act of 2019, which would allow banks to work with cannabis businesses that are legal at the state level. (2019)
- Voted against preventing the Justice Department from prosecuting cannabis users and businesses in states where recreational cannabis is legal. (2019)
- Cosponsored the Charlotte’s Web Medical Access Act of 2017, which would end the federal prohibition of CBD.
- Voted against allowing VA doctors to recommend cannabis for veterans in states where it is legal. (2016)
- Voted against preventing the Justice Department from prosecuting medical cannabis patients and providers in states where it is legal. (2015)
- Voted against preventing the Justice Department from prosecuting cannabis users and businesses in states where recreational cannabis is legal. (2015)
- Voted against preventing states from penalizing banks for providing financial services to legitimate cannabis businesses. (2014)
Rep. Jennifer Kiggans (VA-2) - R
Does Not Support Federal Legalization
- Expunge Past Cannabis Convictions
- Reinvest In Communities Most Impacted By The War On Drugs
- Allow States To Legalize Adult-Use Cannabis
- Allow States To Legalize Medical Cannabis
- Allow VA Doctors To Recommend Medical Cannabis
- Allow Cannabis Businesses To Use Banks
- Voted Yes on VA-SB133, which permits pharmaceutical processors to produce and distribute cannabis products other than cannabis oil. (2021)
- Voted Yes on VA-HB2218, which permits pharmaceutical processors to produce and distribute cannabis products other than cannabis oil. (2021)
- Voted No on VA-HB2312, which eliminates criminal penalties for simple possession of up to one ounce of marijuana by persons 21 years of age or older, modifies several other criminal penalties related to marijuana, and imposes limits on dissemination of criminal history record information related to certain marijuana offenses. (2021)
- Voted No on SB 1406, which eliminates criminal penalties for simple possession of up to one ounce of marijuana by persons 21 years of age or older, modifies several other criminal penalties related to marijuana, and imposes limits on dissemination of criminal history record information related to certain marijuana offenses. (2021)
- Voted Yes on VA-SB 1015, which allows for the legal possession of cannabis, as long as one has a valid written certification for medical use. (2020)
Rep. Robert Scott (VA-3) - D
Supports Federal Legalization
- Expunge Past Cannabis Convictions
- Reinvest In Communities Most Impacted By The War On Drugs
- Allow States To Legalize Adult-Use Cannabis
- Allow States To Legalize Medical Cannabis
- Allow VA Doctors To Recommend Medical Cannabis
- Allow Cannabis Businesses To Use Banks
- Voted in favor of The Medical Marijuana Research Act, which would remove some barriers to medical cannabis research and allow researchers to use dispensary grade cannabis. (2022)
- Voted in favor of the MORE Act, which would end the prohibition of cannabis at the federal level, expunge low-level cannabis convictions, and levy a tax on cannabis sales to fund grants for communities that have been disproportionately harmed by cannabis prohibition. (2022)
- Cosponsored the MORE Act, which would end the prohibition of cannabis at the federal level, expunge low-level cannabis convictions, and levy a tax on cannabis sales to fund grants for communities that have been disproportionately harmed by cannabis prohibition. (2021)
- Voted in favor of the SAFE Banking Act of 2021, which allows banks to work with cannabis businesses that are legal at the state level. (2021)
- Voted in favor of the MORE Act, which would end the prohibition of cannabis at the federal level, expunge low-level cannabis convictions, and levy a tax on cannabis sales to fund grants for communities that have been disproportionately harmed by cannabis prohibition. (2020)
- Cosponsored the MORE Act, which would end the prohibition of cannabis at the federal level, expunge low-level cannabis convictions, and levy a 5% tax on cannabis sales to fund grants for communities that have been disproportionately harmed by cannabis prohibition. (2020)
- Voted in favor of the SAFE Banking Act of 2019, which would allow banks to work with cannabis businesses that are legal at the state level. (2019)
- Voted in favor of preventing the Justice Department from prosecuting cannabis users and businesses in states where recreational cannabis is legal. (2019)
- Cosponsored the Jobs and Justice Act of 2018, which would end cannabis prohibition at the federal level and create a reinvestment fund to assist communities that have been negatively affected by the War on Drugs (the bill also does a variety of other things).
- Voted in favor of allowing VA doctors to recommend medical cannabis for veterans in states where it is legal. (2016)
- Cosponsored the Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2015, which would have ended the federal prohibition of industrial hemp. (2015)
- Voted in favor of preventing the Justice Department from prosecuting medical cannabis patients and providers in states where it is legal. (2015)
- Voted in favor of preventing the Justice Department from prosecuting cannabis users and businesses in states where recreational cannabis is legal. (2015)
- Voted in favor of preventing states from penalizing banks for providing financial services to legitimate cannabis businesses. (2014)
Rep. Jennifer McClellan (VA-4) - D
Does Not Support Federal Legalization
- Expunge Past Cannabis Convictions
- Reinvest In Communities Most Impacted By The War On Drugs
- Allow States To Legalize Adult-Use Cannabis
- Allow States To Legalize Medical Cannabis
- Allow VA Doctors To Recommend Medical Cannabis
- Allow Cannabis Businesses To Use Banks
- Co-Sponsored the Safe Banking Act of 2023, which allows banks to work with cannabis businesses that are legal at the state level
- Quote: “We need to legalize marijuana in the right way, in a socially responsible way, and in a way that ensures that the communities and people who are disproportionately impacted by the War on Drugs have a meaningful opportunity to benefit from a legalized market.” (2023)
- McClellan Introduced an amendment to move the timeline for marijuana legalization from 2024 to July 1, 202. (2021)
- McClellan authored a resolution that studied and made recommendations for how Virginia should legalize and regulate the growth, sale, and possession of marijuana and address the impacts of marijuana prohibition. (2020)
- Tweeted: “In the 2020 Session, I pushed for @VaJLARC to study how VA could legalize marijuana in a way that redresses the disproportionate impact of prohibition on Black and Brown individuals/communities. Today that study was released.” (2020)
- Tweeted: “Legalization in Virginia must redress past disproportionality in marijuana enforcement and ensure Black/Brown Virginians have an opportunity to benefit from the new commercial market. I will work to ensure these social equity components are enacted.” (2020)
- Quote: ”It needs to be full legalization [of cannabis] for both possession and distribution. Unfortunately, the reason it’s just decriminalization now is that we couldn’t get the votes to go farther than that this year, but we’re pushing to go farther as soon as possible. I would have preferred full legalization of possession now. We’re doing a study on how to do distribution in a way so that the new market is not just the folks who have medical cannabis licenses now who are mostly white, upper middle class, and have a leg up. I have the resolution to have JLARC study how we do that distribution piece equitably, while also dealing with expungements and unraveling the War on Drugs, and giving people who have been arrested for what is going to be legal a path forward.” (2020)
Rep. Bob Good (VA-5) R
Does Not Support Federal Legalization
- Expunge Past Cannabis Convictions
- Reinvest In Communities Most Impacted By The War On Drugs
- Allow States To Legalize Adult-Use Cannabis
- Allow States To Legalize Medical Cannabis
- Allow VA Doctors To Recommend Medical Cannabis
- Allow Cannabis Businesses To Use Banks
- Voted against the SAFE Banking Act of 2021, which allows banks to work with cannabis businesses that are legal at the state level. (2021)
- Rep. Good told the iVoterGuide he strongly disagrees with legalizing recreational marijuana. (2020)
Rep. Ben Cline (VA-6) - R
Does Not Support Federal Legalization
- Expunge Past Cannabis Convictions
- Reinvest In Communities Most Impacted By The War On Drugs
- Allow States To Legalize Adult-Use Cannabis
- Allow States To Legalize Medical Cannabis
- Allow VA Doctors To Recommend Medical Cannabis
- Allow Cannabis Businesses To Use Banks
- Voted in favor of The Medical Marijuana Research Act, which would remove some barriers to medical cannabis research and allow researchers to use dispensary grade cannabis. (2022)
- Voted against the SAFE Banking Act of 2021, which allows banks to work with cannabis businesses that are legal at the state level. (2021)
- Voted against the MORE Act, which would end the prohibition of cannabis at the federal level, expunge low-level cannabis convictions, and levy a tax on cannabis sales to fund grants for communities that have been disproportionately harmed by cannabis prohibition. (2020)
- Voted against advancing the MORE Act, which would end the prohibition of cannabis at the federal level, expunge low-level cannabis convictions, and levy a 5% tax on cannabis sales to fund grants for communities that have been disproportionately harmed by cannabis prohibition. (2019)
- Voted against the SAFE Banking Act of 2019, which would allow banks to work with cannabis businesses that are legal at the state level. (2019)
- Voted against preventing the Justice Department from prosecuting cannabis users and businesses in states where recreational cannabis is legal. (2019)
- Sponsored legislation to expand access to medical cannabis oil in Virginia. (2018)
- Quote: “Medical cannabis oil has been proven to effectively and safely help patients manage pain. With Virginia fighting a growing opioid crisis, this is smart legislation to reduce dependence on addictive narcotics. By expanding the ability to recommend medical cannabis oil, we are giving doctors the freedom to make a decision based on the most up to date research and data, just as they do for any other medication they prescribe. I am pleased to see this bill pass the General Assembly, and I look forward to the Governor signing it into law.” (2018)
Rep. Abigail Spanberger (VA-7) - D
Supports Federal Legalization
- Expunge Past Cannabis Convictions
- Reinvest In Communities Most Impacted By The War On Drugs
- Allow States To Legalize Adult-Use Cannabis
- Allow States To Legalize Medical Cannabis
- Allow VA Doctors To Recommend Medical Cannabis
- Allow Cannabis Businesses To Use Banks
- Voted in favor of The Medical Marijuana Research Act, which would remove some barriers to medical cannabis research and allow researchers to use dispensary grade cannabis. (2022)
- Voted in favor of the MORE Act, which would end the prohibition of cannabis at the federal level, expunge low-level cannabis convictions, and levy a tax on cannabis sales to fund grants for communities that have been disproportionately harmed by cannabis prohibition. (2022)
- Voted in favor of the SAFE Banking Act of 2021, which allows banks to work with cannabis businesses that are legal at the state level. (2021)
- Voted in favor of the MORE Act, which would end the prohibition of cannabis at the federal level, expunge low-level cannabis convictions, and levy a tax on cannabis sales to fund grants for communities that have been disproportionately harmed by cannabis prohibition. (2020)
- Voted in favor of the SAFE Banking Act of 2019, which would allow banks to work with cannabis businesses that are legal at the state level. (2019)
- Voted in favor of preventing the Justice Department from prosecuting cannabis users and businesses in states where recreational cannabis is legal. (2019)
- Cosponsored the SAFE Banking Act of 2019, which would allow banks to work with cannabis businesses that are legal at the state level.
- Rep. Spanberger’s campaign website reads: “State policies on marijuana have rapidly evolved to reflect both public opinion and scientific data, but the federal government has failed to keep pace. I support Congress removing marijuana from the Controlled Substances Act and allowing states to enact marijuana laws without federal interference. Additionally, I believe we should end the ban on industrial hemp by removing it from the definition of marijuana. This change would allow an agricultural industry that’s already started in the Commonwealth to flourish. Finally, I support allowing the marijuana industry to operate in a normal business environment – that means removing banking barriers to allow legitimate businesses to operate in states that have legalized marijuana for medical and adult-use.” (2018)
Rep. Donald Beyer (VA-8) - D
Supports Federal Legalization
- Expunge Past Cannabis Convictions
- Reinvest In Communities Most Impacted By The War On Drugs
- Allow States To Legalize Adult-Use Cannabis
- Allow States To Legalize Medical Cannabis
- Allow VA Doctors To Recommend Medical Cannabis
- Allow Cannabis Businesses To Use Banks
- Co-sponsored the Veterans Equal Access Act of 2023, which would authorize health care providers from the Department of Veterans Affairs to provide recommendations and opinions to veterans regarding participation in State marijuana programs.
- Voted in favor of The Medical Marijuana Research Act, which would remove some barriers to medical cannabis research and allow researchers to use dispensary grade cannabis. (2022)
- Voted in favor of the MORE Act, which would end the prohibition of cannabis at the federal level, expunge low-level cannabis convictions, and levy a tax on cannabis sales to fund grants for communities that have been disproportionately harmed by cannabis prohibition. (2022)
- Cosponsored the MORE Act, which would end the prohibition of cannabis at the federal level, expunge low-level cannabis convictions, and levy a tax on cannabis sales to fund grants for communities that have been disproportionately harmed by cannabis prohibition. (2021)
- Voted in favor of the SAFE Banking Act of 2021, which allows banks to work with cannabis businesses that are legal at the state level. (2021)
- Cosponsored the SAFE Banking Act of 2021, which allows banks to work with cannabis businesses that are legal at the state level. (2021)
- Voted in favor of the MORE Act, which would end the prohibition of cannabis at the federal level, expunge low-level cannabis convictions, and levy a tax on cannabis sales to fund grants for communities that have been disproportionately harmed by cannabis prohibition. (2020)
- Cosponsored the MORE Act, which would end the prohibition of cannabis at the federal level, expunge low-level cannabis convictions, and levy a 5% tax on cannabis sales to fund grants for communities that have been disproportionately harmed by cannabis prohibition. (2020)
- Voted in favor of the SAFE Banking Act of 2019, which would allow banks to work with cannabis businesses that are legal at the state level. (2019)
- Voted in favor of preventing the Justice Department from prosecuting cannabis users and businesses in states where recreational cannabis is legal. (2019)
- Cosponsored the SAFE Banking Act of 2019, which would allow banks to work with cannabis businesses that are legal at the state level.
- Cosponsored the Marijuana Justice Act of 2018, which would end cannabis prohibition at the federal level and expunge federal cannabis convictions. (2018)
- Cosponsored the Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol Act, which would legalize and regulate cannabis at the federal level. (2018)
- Cosponsored the Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2017, which would end cannabis prohibition at the federal level. (2017)
- Cosponsored the SAFE Act of 2017, which would allow banks to provide services to legitimate cannabis businesses.
- Voted in favor of allowing VA doctors to recommend medical cannabis for veterans in states where it is legal. (2016)
- Voted in favor of preventing the Justice Department from prosecuting medical cannabis patients and providers in states where it is legal. (2015)
- Voted in favor of preventing the Justice Department from prosecuting cannabis users and businesses in states where recreational cannabis is legal. (2015)
- Voted in favor of preventing states from penalizing banks for providing financial services to legitimate cannabis businesses. (2014)
Rep. Morgan Griffith (VA-9) - R
Does Not Support Federal Legalization
- Expunge Past Cannabis Convictions
- Reinvest In Communities Most Impacted By The War On Drugs
- Allow States To Legalize Adult-Use Cannabis
- Allow States To Legalize Medical Cannabis
- Allow VA Doctors To Recommend Medical Cannabis
- Allow Cannabis Businesses To Use Banks
- Voted in favor of The Medical Marijuana Research Act, which would remove some barriers to medical cannabis research and allow researchers to use dispensary grade cannabis. (2022)
- Co-sponsored The Medical Marijuana Research Act, which would remove some barriers to medical cannabis research and allow researchers to use dispensary grade cannabis. (2021)
- Voted in favor of the SAFE Banking Act of 2021, which allows banks to work with cannabis businesses that are legal at the state level. (2021)
- Voted against the MORE Act, which would end the prohibition of cannabis at the federal level, expunge low-level cannabis convictions, and levy a tax on cannabis sales to fund grants for communities that have been disproportionately harmed by cannabis prohibition. (2020)
- Voted in favor of the SAFE Banking Act of 2019, which would allow banks to work with cannabis businesses that are legal at the state level. (2019)
- Voted in favor of preventing the Justice Department from prosecuting cannabis users and businesses in states where recreational cannabis is legal. (2019)
- Cosponsored the Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2017, which would end the federal prohibition of industrial hemp.
- Introduced the Compassionate Access Act, which would end the federal prohibition of CBD, lift some restrictions on medical cannabis research, and recommend the rescheduling of cannabis.
- Introduced LUMMA, which would move cannabis from Schedule I to Schedule II and allow states to set their own medical cannabis policy.
- Voted against allowing VA doctors to recommend cannabis for veterans in states where it is legal. (2016)
- Voted against preventing the Justice Department from prosecuting medical cannabis patients and providers in states where it is legal. (2015)
- Voted against preventing the Justice Department from prosecuting cannabis users and businesses in states where recreational cannabis is legal. (2015)
- Voted against preventing states from penalizing banks for providing financial services to legitimate cannabis businesses. (2014)
Rep. Jennifer Wexton (VA-10) - D
Supports Federal Legalization
- Expunge Past Cannabis Convictions
- Reinvest In Communities Most Impacted By The War On Drugs
- Allow States To Legalize Adult-Use Cannabis
- Allow States To Legalize Medical Cannabis
- Allow VA Doctors To Recommend Medical Cannabis
- Allow Cannabis Businesses To Use Banks
- Co-Sponsored the Safe Banking Act of 2023, which allows banks to work with cannabis businesses that are legal at the state level
- Voted in favor of The Medical Marijuana Research Act, which would remove some barriers to medical cannabis research and allow researchers to use dispensary grade cannabis. (2022)
- Voted in favor of the MORE Act, which would end the prohibition of cannabis at the federal level, expunge low-level cannabis convictions, and levy a tax on cannabis sales to fund grants for communities that have been disproportionately harmed by cannabis prohibition. (2022)
- Voted in favor of the SAFE Banking Act of 2021, which allows banks to work with cannabis businesses that are legal at the state level. (2021)
- Cosponsored the SAFE Banking Act of 2021, which allows banks to work with cannabis businesses that are legal at the state level. (2021)
- Voted in favor of the MORE Act, which would end the prohibition of cannabis at the federal level, expunge low-level cannabis convictions, and levy a tax on cannabis sales to fund grants for communities that have been disproportionately harmed by cannabis prohibition. (2020)
- Voted in favor of the SAFE Banking Act of 2019, which would allow banks to work with cannabis businesses that are legal at the state level. (2019)
- Voted in favor of preventing the Justice Department from prosecuting cannabis users and businesses in states where recreational cannabis is legal. (2019)
- Cosponsored the SAFE Banking Act of 2019, which would allow banks to work with cannabis businesses that are legal at the state level.
- Co-sponsored a bill to expand access to medical cannabis oil in Virginia. (2018)
- Wexton’s campaign website reads: “Congress should make our system more effective, efficient, and equitable for all. Jennifer supports reforming mandatory minimums, ending use of for-profit private prisons, working with localities and states to promote community policing, supporting reentry programs and voting rights restoration, supporting drug and veterans courts, and decriminalizing simple possession of small amounts of marijuana.” (2018)
Rep. Gerald Connolly (VA-11) - D
Supports Federal Legalization
- Expunge Past Cannabis Convictions
- Reinvest In Communities Most Impacted By The War On Drugs
- Allow States To Legalize Adult-Use Cannabis
- Allow States To Legalize Medical Cannabis
- Allow VA Doctors To Recommend Medical Cannabis
- Allow Cannabis Businesses To Use Banks
- Co-sponsored the MORE Act of 2023, which would end the prohibition of cannabis at the federal level, expunge low-level cannabis convictions, and levy a tax on cannabis sales to fund grants for communities that have been disproportionately harmed by cannabis prohibition.
- Co-Sponsored the SAFE Banking Act of 2023, which allows banks to work with cannabis businesses that are legal at the state level
- Voted in favor of The Medical Marijuana Research Act, which would remove some barriers to medical cannabis research and allow researchers to use dispensary grade cannabis. (2022)
- Voted in favor of the MORE Act, which would end the prohibition of cannabis at the federal level, expunge low-level cannabis convictions, and levy a tax on cannabis sales to fund grants for communities that have been disproportionately harmed by cannabis prohibition. (2022)
- Cosponsored the MORE Act, which would end the prohibition of cannabis at the federal level, expunge low-level cannabis convictions, and levy a tax on cannabis sales to fund grants for communities that have been disproportionately harmed by cannabis prohibition. (2021)
- Voted in favor of the SAFE Banking Act of 2021, which allows banks to work with cannabis businesses that are legal at the state level. (2021)
- Cosponsored the SAFE Banking Act of 2021, which allows banks to work with cannabis businesses that are legal at the state level. (2021)
- Voted in favor of the MORE Act, which would end the prohibition of cannabis at the federal level, expunge low-level cannabis convictions, and levy a tax on cannabis sales to fund grants for communities that have been disproportionately harmed by cannabis prohibition. (2020)
- Cosponsored the MORE Act, which would end the prohibition of cannabis at the federal level, expunge low-level cannabis convictions, and levy a 5% tax on cannabis sales to fund grants for communities that have been disproportionately harmed by cannabis prohibition. (2020)
- Voted in favor of the SAFE Banking Act of 2019, which would allow banks to work with cannabis businesses that are legal at the state level. (2019)
- Voted in favor of preventing the Justice Department from prosecuting cannabis users and businesses in states where recreational cannabis is legal. (2019)
- Cosponsored the SAFE Banking Act of 2019, which would allow banks to work with cannabis businesses that are legal at the state level.
- Voted in favor of allowing VA doctors to recommend medical cannabis for veterans in states where it is legal. (2016)
- Cosponsored the CARERS Act of 2015, which would have prevented the government from interfering with state medical cannabis policy, moved cannabis from Schedule I to Schedule II, ended the federal prohibition of CBD, allowed banks to provide services to legal cannabis businesses, and allowed VA doctors to recommend cannabis for veterans in states where it is legal. (2015)
- Cosponsored the Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2015, which would have ended the federal prohibition of industrial hemp. (2015)
- Voted in favor of preventing the Justice Department from prosecuting medical cannabis patients and providers in states where it is legal. (2015)
- Voted in favor of preventing the Justice Department from prosecuting cannabis users and businesses in states where recreational cannabis is legal. (2015)
- Voted in favor of preventing states from penalizing banks for providing financial services to legitimate cannabis businesses. (2014)
Gov. Glenn Youngkin - R
Has Not Supported Adult Use Legalization In Their State
- Governor Youngkin said: “I will not seek to overturn the law on personal [cannabis] possession.” (2022)
- When discussing Virginia’s legalization of cannabis, Youngkin replied: “I am all for opportunities for minority-owned businesses, women-owned businesses [and] military-owned businesses. We also have to make sure that they have the capabilities to compete and thrive in the industry. So, I think there’s work to be done. All of that will be on the table. Again, I don’t look to overturn the bill, but I think we need to make sure that it works.” (2021)
- When asked about Virginia’s recent cannabis legalization, Youngkin replied: “Its gonna be another problem thats going to be dumped at my feet.” (2021)
- Youngkin said: “If there was a group of children that were sitting here and I was talking to them about marijuana I would tell them don’t use it. I’ve never met anybody who habitually used marijuana and was successful and I would tell all them the same thing.” (2021)
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